Posts filed under: Dental

To be successful in business one golden rule is that you have to offer more value than your competitors do.  For independent hygienists, you have to determine what your “competitive edge” is going to be and put that message out...
Type “mastermind” into any web browser and you will be inundated with examples of how these small focus groups are changing the face of business and personal development.  Entrepreneurs across numerous industries are singing the praises of how mastermind groups...
Welcome to my series on using my toolbox as a dental hygienist to improving my own life and creating more happiness.  ADPIE for the layman out there refers to a process of care that takes the clinician and patient through...
With 2016 underway and reflection and resolutions on many minds I wanted to take some time to review some areas that we as independent dental hygienists may want to examine.   “Independent” is not a new moniker for me and certainly...
  • Music Mixer 3
I love Beachbody workout videos. No I am not about to launch into some weird hygienist fitness blog. I mention this to say that for many years, Chalene Johnson of TurboFire, TurboJam and ChaleneExtreme have been household names in the...